Lockt On Art
The story so far..
I'm George, I'm 40 and live in New Zealand with my wife and children. I have been making scale models most of my life and I remember making spitfires in the lounge as a child. Then in the 90's making Tomcats and the Gulf war models. These days I am mainly into WWII armor and sci-fi focusing on detail and realism.
Lockt On Art started out as a project to make life size paintings and sculptures from parts of Armored vehicles and planes. It has since then become so much more.
From commissioned art, models and paintings to an ever growing YouTube channel, to a community based modeling app and beyond!.
This site was created to share my love and passion of art, craft and model making. with the aim of helping out the fellow modeler along the way.
So please support Lockt On Art so that I may continue to share my passion and content with you all and if you have any questions or enquires then please feel free to get in touch.
George Lockton
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